Category: Insanity

BMFcast347 – Blood Debts – Dubbedebts


Blood Debts (1985) concludes Bloodtober as Richard Harrison (the man with the Garfield Phone!) returns to take revenge on criminals of the world in this Death Wish knockoff. But when he gets blackmailed into becoming a vigilante hitman, that’s when things really go crazy. Trust us, watch this one.

After the break Harlo talks about Kevin Hart and The Rock’s Central Intelligence (2016) before we take some e-mails and go on tangents about high school trigonometry (or something.) Enjoy!

BMFcast322 – Trigger Warning


Dangerous Men (2005) is our movie for this week, and the episode title is not a joke. (If you’re sensitive about violence towards women, this might be the week to skip. Seriously.) Dangerous Men is the story of a woman wronged who is out for revenge… Sort of. It’s also the story of a cop tracking down a biker named Black Pepper… Sort of. Pieced together over 20+ years of footage and recently re-released by Drafthouse Films, was this “WTF is happening” movie worth the effort?

Second half we briefly talk Deadpool before taking listener correspondence about All The President’s Men that devolves into us discussing how much we are old men. Enjoy!

BMFcast320 – Press Space To Jason


The Ice Pirates (1984) marks a space classic unseen since the childhoods of some podcast members, but does it hold up as adults? Can a bevy of BMFcast alums overcome the randomness and weird tone?

After the break Maki goes first person with Hardcore Henry, Harlo enjoys Sisters way more than he expected, and we give some Patreon shoutouts. Enjoy!

BMFcast291 – Trinitrotoluene Award


Spaced Invaders (1990) found its way onto Bluray this week so we decided we should check it out. It’s full of watermelon aliens and wacky townsfolk but a surprising amount of jokes actually work.

Second half we talk about The Duff, Dumb and Dumber To, The Lego Movie and more including a lengthy discussion of the career of M. Night Shyamalan without having actually seen The Visit. Enjoy!


BMFcast290 – Average Spectral Boning



Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990) is a hard movie to categorize. It’s supposed to be a horror sequel to a prior BMFcast reviewed movie but ends up being much more of a comedy spoof. This probably wasn’t helped by the fact we watched the US DVD cut which is edited down to near TV movie level of sanitized. But somehow we all still enjoy it pretty well.


Second half we discuss Flash Gordon, The Legend of the Drunken Master and Hercules. Plus more including listener correspondence. Enjoy!

BMFcast288 – Disposable Muse


Graffiti Bridge (1990) is the somewhat sequel to Purple Rain and we talk about both. Mostly because we don’t know how to talk coherently about Graffiti Bridge.

Second half we discuss Unfriended, It Follows, Up in the Air and Chuck continues his increasingly unexpected and ill-advised journey through the Hobbit trilogy. Plus a lot of listener correspondence and more. Enjoy!

BMFcast286 – Eric Roberts in Peril


The Ambulance (1990) is the movie that finally reveals our dark secret of 2015 by way of Eric Roberts revealing a dark plot to kidnap diabetic victims in New York City. James Earl Jones chews gum and scenery. Many a stuntman is put in harm’s way as well.

Second half we discuss Trainwreck, The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? and more. Enjoy!


BMFcast264 – Trash Talkin

1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982) is our choice for celebrating 6 years of podcasting. Can a hero named Trash with a strangely rigid saunter lead his biker gang to victory over the post-apocalyptic Bronx wasteland ruled by The Ogre (Fred Williamson) in the distant future of 1990?

Second half BJ needs your help deciphering Frank, Chuck revisits a BMF classic in Vicious Lips, Harlo falls in love with Star Wars Rebels, and we check out a metric ton of listener voicemails and e-mails. Enjoy!


BMFcast256 – Sensory Overload

Needs more robot menacing

Hardware (1990) is our first movie of 2015. This is not the movie you’re looking for. Move along.


Second half it’s time for our 2014 Golden Jox celebrating the best movies of the year. That’s it. The entire half. Enjoy!


BMFcast254 – Ludacrismas

If there ain't no elves where I'm at then I'm in the wrong place.

Fred Claus (2007) is our gift to you this holiday season. May the tidings of Oscar winners and tiny Luda be upon you and yours.


Second half we keep it short but talk The Expendables 3, The Scribbler and Nick Offerman’s American Ham. Enjoy!


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