Month: September 2020

BMFcast Extra 160 – Code of Silence

Code of Silence (1985) is a cop movie featuring cop Chuck Norris and a cop robot. Nothing more needs to be said, really. Except for what we say during the podcast of course.

The BMFcast Variety Hour 022 – Kickin the Icksent

Well, it finally happened. Lockdown has broken us. This will be clear as you listen to this latest episode that, while managing to stay on topic for discussions of The Social Dilemma and the filmography of Edgar Wright, also manages to not run the opening theme until 20 minutes into the show like we’re a later season episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus or something. Help. Send bad movies. We’re broken.

The BMFcast Variety Hour 021 – Great Big Bushy Beard

The Babysitter (2017) is just one of the many horror topics we discuss in the latest episode. McG’s first entry in what’s now a horror franchise the film we have in common this week, but then we’ve also got words for The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020), the Cube trilogy (1997-2004), Shudder’s Cursed Films (2020) and a hodgepodge of mediocre horror titles such as Into the Grizzly Maze, Patient Zero, Red Lights and 6 Souls. Enjoy!

The BMFcast Variety Hour 020 – Grudged

Our video game weekend has concluded and as such, we’ve got a VERY random assortment of things to talk about. Movies and shows include: Netflix’s Aggretsuko: Season 3 and Immigration Nation, HBO’s The Vow, I Love You Man, Julie and Julia, 2020’s The Grudge and Fantasy Island, and a little slice of terribleness called Billy Frankenstein. Enjoy!

BMFcast Extra 159 – The Scorpion King 2

The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (2008) is a prequel to The Scorpion King, which was a prequel to The Mummy Returns. There is no reason for it to exist and it provides no entertainment.

The BMFcast Variety Hour 019 – Tooth Tube

Bill and Ted Face the Music (2020) is our obvious topic for the week, but we’ve also got thoughts on Class Action Park, Body Cam, Umbrella Academy, The Boys and An American Pickle. Then a quick tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman, and finally a pair of DC animated movies: Superman Man of Tomorrow and Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Enjoy!