Month: October 2018

BMFcast Extra 093 – Armageddon

Armageddon (1998) is the film that Michael Bay says is his worst effort. Has he not seen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen? Anyway, Armageddon is great.

BMFcast442 – Maximum Overdrive – The Mighty Trucks

Maximum Overdrive (1986) is Stephen King’s only feature as a director and it is pure 80s cocaine madness. A comet buzzes the Earth and machines go crazy. A small group of survivors is trapped by a convoy of evil trucks at a truck stop. It’s wild!

Horror continues into the second half as BJ has thoughts on 1408 (2007) and Dead Silence (2007). Enjoy your Halloweens everyone!

BMFcast441 – Scream For Help – Coitus Interruptus Maximus

Scream For Help (1984) is an insane thriller about a teen girl who suspects her stepfather is trying to kill her and her mother. It’s filled with nonsensical decisions and head scratching musical choices. It’s great. So great in fact that we forgo a break and segue directly into the second half as Harlo has words for Mandy (2018). Enjoy!

BMFcast Extra 092 – The Rock

The Rock (1996) is… well okay look, you know what The Rock is. The question is “Do you love The Rock?” and if so, then “How much do you love The Rock?”.

BMFcast440 – Dolls – Super Judgy Sailor Boy

Dolls (1987) is our first Stuart Gordon film in 340 episodes. It’s the tale of a group of randos trapped in a house owned by a pair of witchcrafty doll makers and their many murder dolls. Hijinks ensue.

In the second half there’s some chat about Venom (2018) and then the debate rages on about Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (2018) and Event Horizon (1997). Enjoy!

BMFcast Extra 091 – Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) is an abomination. It’s the reason bad movie podcasts exist. This movie should be shamed, called out, mocked and ridiculed. And we attempt to do some of that.

BMFcast439 – Of Unknown Origin – Scotch Bath

Of Unknown Origin (1983) is not what you expect. It’s the story of a businessman (Peter Weller) who wages war with a rat inside his home. And that’s it. He fights the rat. A lot. The rat is smart. Weller gets obsessed. They fight. One of them wins.

In the second half we rant about digital streaming and then BJ checks in with looks at Event Horizon and The Martian before we all dive headfirst into some film theory. Enjoy!

BMFcast Extra 090 – Transformers

Transformers (2007) is a movie we all hate, but is that still true after a fresh rewatch? Sure, Shia LaBeouf is annoying as sin, but is the movie really deserving of all the scorn? Tune in and roll out, or something.