Month: November 2023

BMFcast 590 – The Dungeonmaster – The Dungeonbusters

The Dungeonmaster (1984) aka Ragewar brings us back to the world of Charles Band, as a dorky computer programmer is challenged by the devil (the late, great Richard Moll) to a series of tests to prove that magic is better than technology. A bunch of loosely related anthology scenes ensue. Will the power of lasers defeat the devil and earn some Jox?

BMFcast 589 – Evolver – Chekov’s Kaleidoscope

Evolver (1995) is a classic tale of boy plays VR game, boy meets girl who hates him, boy cheats to win VR tournament, boy wins robot, robot tries to kill boy, his mom, his kid sister, and the girl. It’s fun for the whole family, but is it Jox for the whole family?