Month: July 2022

BMFcast550 – An Eye for an Eye – Better Get Mako

An Eye for an Eye (1981) stars Chuck Norris as a loose cannon ex-San Francisco cop hunting down the killers of his friends. A solid supporting cast including Christopher Lee, Mako and Richard Roundtree either help or get in his way. People get kicked in the face.

BMFcast549 – Ants! – Antagonists


Ants! (1977) is a TV-movie featuring ants (!) taking over a lakeside manor filled with colorful characters. Will secondary characters like Brian Dennehy and Bernie Casey be able to save everyone from the ants!? Mostly.

BMFcast548 – Passenger 57 – Cutter with a Putter

Passenger 57 (1992) is known for it’s all-time great one-liner “Always bet on black!”. But is there anything else memorable about it? We revisit this airline hijacking terrorism Die Hard action film and hope there’s something. Anything. Also, personal Maki updates!

BMFcast547 – Gone in 60 Seconds – The Ol Axle Snatchers

Gone in 60 Seconds (1974) tells the tale of a group of car thieves charged with trying to steal 48 cars in a week. It’s an hour of lousy filmmaking followed by a 40 minute stunt spectacular, although some of us have qualms with the morality of the production. Join us for more discussion than you thought would be possible about this one!

BMFcast546 – Expect No Mercy – Billy Liverounds

Expect No Mercy (1995) features Billy Blanks (King of the Kickboxers) infiltrating an group of assassins hiding behind a cyber self-defense academy front. There he must kick bad dudes in the face, both in the real world and in virtual reality.