Day: June 10, 2011

Super 8 – A Review

Captain, there be lens flares ahead!

My review of Super 8. Spoiler tags applied and hidden until later.

In the simplest of terms, I adored this movie. Let me start off there because you’ll be able to better appreciate the gushing that is about to follow. Everything you have heard about this being a throwback movie is spot on, with a few notable exceptions. The tone of this movie feels ripped from my childhood of Spielberg, Zemeckis, Donner and Lucas (before he stopped caring) movies built for kids but not childish. The kids talk in believable ways and the filmmakers don’t feel the need to break the fourth wall to make elementary school level jokes or go for the typical overacting child annoyances. It is a thrill ride rooted in heart and these days, that’s a rare thing.

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, June 10, 2011. Category: Reviews. Tagged: .

BMFcast82 – Rowdy Roddy McDowall

Stay classy, 1984.

Class of 1984 (1982) continues our ’80s marathon. It came down to this or Q: The Winged Serpent. Did we choose right? Find out.

Then in the second half we take a bevy of various types of mail. Answer a quick topic and finish up by talking X-Men: First Class. Enjoy!