Day: December 18, 2009

BMfcast32 – Nitro Kick

It'll Rothrock your world.

It'll Rothrock your world.

The week we review Undefeatable (1993). It’ll fight its way into your heart as long as you don’t care about acting, story or budget. It’s a lot of raping for not much money.

Then we continue with our discussion of the best mano a mano fights in film history as we also give our review of Ninja Assassin.

Why Episode I sucks in approximately 70 minutes…

This guy apparently found some kind of machine that burrows into my head and can READ MY MIND. Because every complaint he has is one that I’ve leveled at this movie at some point. Just watch it. Then watch part 2, then parts 3-7. Yes, his series has more episodes than Star Wars.

The only problem with this already existing? How can a BMFcast possibly top this? And here I was hoping we’d be able to do Episode I for Episode 50… Even if we do, I promise not to talk like that guy. Maybe.